Why Rainwater Harvesting Should be in Your Water Management Toolkit


Harvesting rainwater may not solve all of the world’s water problems, but what it can do when combined with a complete water supply strategy is provide an alternative source of freshwater for daily consumption while also relieving some of the demand pressure on municipal water systems. Harvesting rainwater helps preserve valuable groundwater supplies and reduces the impacts of the storm water flows that continue to plague cities around the world.

Although rainwater harvesting can and should be an important piece of a water supply strategy, it represents only a part of an overall plan. A comprehensive water supply strategy should be a three-pronged approach that in addition to rainwater harvesting, includes harvesting and reuse of wastewater and site-generated storm water at grade surfaces, such as parking and driving areas and sidewalks.

In the current water supply paradigm, we pay to bring water in, often from far away or deep places, and pay to get rid of this water once it is used just once. In addition, we pay to get rid of the rain and storm water that comes to us from the skies through our storm water system.

This is the paradox of our complex but unsustainable urban environments. Too often, water supply strategies are built on two misguided principles: water is cheap and infinite, and water must be supplied to users through a one-way system. Both principles represent an outdated vision that must be changed to meet the realities of the modern world we live in.

Like it or not, we have now arrived at a new paradigm, and it is a seismic departure from old, wasteful methodologies. To better manage the earth’s most valuable natural resource – water – we must take deliberate strides away from supplying water through one-way centralized municipal sources. These should be replaced with systems that are supplemented with site-collected and generated water.

Give us a call today and speak to an expert. Call +1-833-326-8433. Visit https://www.ecoviewater.com/ for more details.


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